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Your search for "*" yielded 126617 hits

Methods for constructing treatment episodes and impact on exposure-outcome associations

Published 1 January 2020 To assess the impact on exposure time and outcome misclassifications, and consequent impact on exposure-outcome associations from treatment episode construction. We investigated the dosage assumptions of 1 unit per day, and 1 DDD per day, versus actual prescribed dosage under different handling of gaps and overlaps of prescriptions. New publication in European Journal of C - 2025-03-12

What Is the Causal Interpretation of Sibling Comparison Designs?

Published 2 January 2020 Sibling comparison designs have long been used to assess causal effects of exposures for which randomized studies are impossible and measurement of all relevant confounding is unobtainable. The idea is to utilize the fact that siblings often share a lot of unobserved variables. Therefore, it is proposed that in certain cases, comparing siblings is equivalent to comparing e - 2025-03-12

Time and Generation: Parents’ Integration and Children’s School Performance in Sweden, 1989–2011

Published 3 January 2020 A central element of assimilation theory is that increasing time and number of previous immigrant generations in a host country leaves immigrants and their children more integrated and capable of navigating the host society. However, the underperformance of some immigrant groups in Sweden calls into question this relationship. Additionally, many studies regard intermarriag - 2025-03-12

The Swedish Twin Registry: Content and Management as a Research Infrastructure

Published 3 January 2020 The Swedish Twin Registry functions as research infrastructure containing information on 216,258 twins born between 1886 and 2015, of whom 86,199 pairs have zygosity determined by DNA, an intrapair similarity algorithm, or being of opposite sex. In essence, practically all twins alive and currently 9 years or older have been invited for participation and donation of DNA on - 2025-03-12

Periodontal disease is associated with carotid plaque area: the Malmö Offspring Dental Study (MODS)

Published 4 January 2020 Periodontal disease is associated with cardiovascular disease (CVD) but it is unknown if periodontal disease severity is associated with asymptomatic carotid plaque. The aim of the current population‐based, observational study was to investigate if signs of periodontal disease are associated with the occurrence of carotid plaque and total plaque area (TPA). New publication - 2025-03-12

Record Linkage Approaches Using Prescription Drug Monitoring Program and Mortality Data for Public Health Analyses and Epidemiologic Studies

Published 4 January 2020 Implications of study findings include underreporting, prescribing and outcome misclassification, and reduced generalizability to population risk groups, information of importance to epidemiologists and researchers using PDMP data. New publication in Epidemiology - 2025-03-12

Using national electronic health care registries for comparing the risk of psychiatric re-hospitalisation in six European countries: Opportunities and limitations

Published 5 January 2020 Psychiatric re-hospitalisation rates have been of longstanding interest as health care quality metric for planners and policy makers, but are criticized for not being comparable across hospitals and countries due to measurement unclarities. The objectives of the present study were to explore the interoperability of national electronic routine health care registries of six - 2025-03-12

European Network of Pregnancy Registers in Rheumatology (EuNeP)—an overview of procedures and data collection

Published 6 January 2020 Although the registers in this collaboration have similar designs, we found numerous differences in the variables collected. This survey of the status quo of current pregnancy registers is the first step towards identifying data collected uniformly across registers in order to facilitate joint analyses. New publication in Arthritis Research & Theraphy - 2025-03-12

Investigating the Link between Transport Sustainability and the Representation of Women in Swedish Local Committees

Published 7 January 2020 There are large discrepancies in the transport sector along gender lines in travel patterns and means of transportation used, but also in attitudes and norms among citizens, planners and decision-makers, with women generally more positive towards measures involving the lowering CO2 emissions. At the same time, the number of women involved in transport-related decisions is - 2025-03-12

A significant correlation between body surface area and infrarenal aortic diameter is detected in a large screening population with possibly clinical implications

Published 8 January 2020 Screening for abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) in elderly men reduces aneurysm related mortality. AAA is commonly defined as an infrarenal aortic diameter (IAD) of ≥30 mm, which is based on the definition of an arterial aneurysm as a focal dilation of 150% or more compared to the expected diameter of about 20 mm. The IAD has been shown to correlate to body surface area (BSA - 2025-03-12

Sharing data safely while preserving privacy

Published 8 January 2020 Analysing personal data is a privilege requiring researchers to safeguard data and to use data wisely. Safeguarding data means protecting the identity of individuals. Using data wisely means using, reusing, and sharing data to their maximum potential. More researchers should be given safe access to previously collected data from expensive clinical trials and laboratory or - 2025-03-12

Kvalitet, implementering och nytta - en handbok

Published 20 December 2019 FoU-handboken för statliga myndigheter är tänkt att vara ett stöd för dig som arbetar med forskning och utveckling på en svensk myndighet. Den innehåller tips och råd om hur du bäst planerar, implementerar och utvärderar forskningsinsatser och enskilda forskningsprojekt. Innehållet i handboken är resultatet av flera års arbete och diskussioner i Nätverket för FoU-myndigh - 2025-03-12

Future choices for the Swedish research system

Published 21 December 2019 Report from the Swedish Research Council (VR) In this report, the Swedish Research Council presents challenges and ways forward for the Swedish research system. The report is based on the report Direction to the Future Swedish Research System published in 2015, and is intended to constitute underlying documentation for the Swedish Research Council’s upcoming work and inp - 2025-03-12

Svenska listan – ett register över sakkunniggranskade publiceringskanaler i Swepub

Published 22 December 2019 I Swepub redovisas forskningspublikationer som har tagits fram vid svenska lärosäten och forskande myndigheter. För närvarande innehåller Swepub referenser till de publikationer som finns registrerade i ett fyrtiotal svenska lärosätens och andra myndigheters publiceringsdatabaser. Läs mer här. - 2025-03-12