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New Cancerfonden grants

Published 25 March 2022 Big congratulations to: Alexander Pietras, The irradiated brain tumor microenvironment: Biology and therapeutic tagets, on receiving Senior Investigator Award, and to Paulina Bolivar, in Kristian Pietras group, Integrative single-cell and spatial analyses to reveal micriniche organization in the tumor microenvironment of triple negative breast cancer, on receiving Postdoc g - 2024-12-27

Millions in funding for PI Daniel Bexell

Published 16 December 2019 PI Daniel Bexell has been awarded millions in funding from Åke Wibergs foundation that goes to young PIs in medical research. One of the aims is to find out why some tumors develop resistance to today’s treatment but also to find new treatment strategies. Every year around 20 children in Sweden are diagnosed with Neuroblastoma, most before even turning 5 years of age. It - 2024-12-27

The PDGF pathway in breast cancer is linked to tumour aggressiveness, triple-negative subtype and early recurrence

Published 1 June 2018 The platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) signalling pathway is often dysregulated in cancer and PDGF-receptor expression has been linked to unfavourable prognostic factors in breast cancer (e.g. ER negativity, high Ki67 and high grade). This study aimed to evaluate the expression of PDGFRα, PDGFRβ and ligand PDGF-CC in breast cancer in relation to molecular subtypes and prog - 2024-12-27

Researchers from TCR receive Barncancerfonden grants

By johanna [dot] verngren [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Johanna Verngren) - published 18 January 2023 Big congratulations to  Kazi Uddins group on receiving Barncancerfonden grant for "Utveckling av riktade kombinationsterapi och nya verktyg för att förutspå terapi-resistens" and to Alexander Pietras group on receiving Barncancerfonden grant for "Syrebristberoende måltavlor i barngliom och ponsgliom - 2024-12-27

Researchers from TCR receive Swedish Research Council grants

By johanna [dot] verngren [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Johanna Verngren) - published 29 November 2023 Big congratulations on receiving grants from Swedish Research Council (Vetenskapsrådet, VR):Daniel Bexell, Mekanismer och nya behandlingsstrategier mot resistent neuroblastom, and to...Anders Bjartell, Målriktade behandlingar och biomarkörer vid avancerad prostatacancer, and to...Kristian Pietras, - 2024-12-27

Researchers from TCR receive Cancerfonden grants

By johanna [dot] verngren [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Johanna Verngren) - published 30 November 2023 Big congratulations on receiving Cancerfonden grants:Daniel Bexell, Decoding and Targeting Treatment-Resistant Metastatic Neuroblastoma, an to...Christer Larsson, Induction and consequences of interferon expression in breast cancer cells, and to...Ramin Massoumi, Novel preclinical models for treatm - 2024-12-27

TCR now has two postdoc positions available

By johanna [dot] verngren [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Johanna Verngren) - published 30 April 2024 One ERC-funded postdoc position in Molecular Pediatric Oncology lab, led by PI Daniel Bexell. The group is working with neuroblastoma (NB), a severe childhood cancer. The overall aims are to unravel mechanisms leading to metastasis and treatment resistance of NB, and to test compounds targeting aggres - 2024-12-27

DNA goes ballistic

Published 2 June 2020 science.pdf File science.pdf Subscriber: UNIV OF CALIFORNIA - LOS ANGELES | Sign In as Individual | FAQ | Access Rights | Join AAAS21 July 2003DNA Goes BallisticJust how viruses manage to get their DNA into a host cell has been a long-standing question in biology. Research now shows that they shoot their DNA in by keeping it under high pressure.DNA cannon. The Lambda virus ke - 2024-12-27

High-powered living DNA cannon

Published 2 June 2020 nano_tsunami.com_-_nano_medicine_in_depth.pdf File nano_tsunami.com_-_nano_medicine_in_depth.pdf High-powered living DNA cannonWe all know that a viral infection can be developed extremely quickly, but in factit's even more dramatic than that - the process is literally explosive.The pressure inside a virus is 40 atmospheres, and it is just waiting for anopportunity to blow up - 2024-12-27

A Beginner's Guide to Swedish Academia

Published 8 December 2022 The Young Academy of Sweden, an interdisciplinary academy for a selection of the most prominent younger researchers in Sweden, has launched "A Beginner’s Guide to Swedish Academia", a guide for international researchers, to help navigate Swedish academia and remove time-consuming obstacles. The Young Academy of Sweden (YAS) is an independent platform that provides young r - 2024-12-27

A new WCMM doctor!

Published 8 December 2022 The WCMM centre has got yet another new doctor! Roberta Battistella, PhD student in the Lundgaard lab, successfully defended her thesis this month. Roberta Battistella, PhD student in the Lundgaard lab and part of MultiPark, defended her PhD thesis entitled “Methods to study glymphatic system in rodents´ brain during physiological and pathophysiological processes” on the - 2024-12-27

Karin Tran Lundmark receives Heart-Lung Foundation grant of 2.4 million SEK

Published 8 December 2022 Karin Tran Lundmark was awarded funding from the Heart-Lung Foundation for the project "Synchrotron-based imaging to decipher cardiovascular pathobiology". The funding includes 800.000 SEK per year for 3 years. The main purpose of this project is to find novel treatments for pulmonary hypertension. To achieve this, Karins group aims to:  Use synchrotron-based imaging comb - 2024-12-27

Two WCMM ScienceBrews down, many more to come!

Published 8 December 2022 The first pair of WCMM ScienceBrew popular science talks was a success. Stay tuned for the many exciting plans we have for our popular science talks series! Thanks to all the speakers for their fantastic performance at Café Ariman! At the inaugural WCMM ScienceBrew we heard from: Luís, on turning skin into immune cells to fight disease. Zackarias, on the "sweet" science o - 2024-12-27

SciLifeLab & Wallenberg National Program for Data-Driven Life Science

Published 7 February 2023 The SciLifeLab & Wallenberg National Program for Data-Driven Life Science (DDLS) is the is one of the latest research initiative funded by Knut and Alice Wallenberg foundation. Lund University has successfully recruited two DDLS Fellows starting now in the beginning of 2023. The practice of life science is continuously becoming more data-dependent. The amount and complexi - 2024-12-27

Filipe Pereira awarded the ERC Proof-of-Concept grant

Published 7 February 2023 Filipe Pereira was awarded the ERC Proof-of-Concept grant covering €150.000 for a period of 18 months for the idea to identify cancer neoantigens with dendritic cell reprogramming (NeoIDC). The ERC Proof-of-Concept (PoC) grant aims at facilitating the exploration of the commercial and social innovation potential of ERC-funded research. The project, for which Filipe Pereir - 2024-12-27

Gesine Paul-Visse receives 3 million SEK from Cancerfonden

Published 7 February 2023 Gesine Paul-Visse and consultant neurologist and clinical fellow Robert Carlsson received 3 million SEK of funding by Cancerfonden covering 3 years for their project. The already ongoing project entitled “Modulating key targets in pericytes: impact on tumor infiltration and immune evasion in glioblastoma” will investigate if and how modulation of previously selected targe - 2024-12-27

SciLifeLab - a national resource of unique technologies and expertise

Published 7 February 2023 Photo: Charlotte Carlberg Barg SciLifeLab, Science for Life Laboratory, is a joint organisation for the advancement of molecular biosciences in Sweden. What started off as a joint effort between Stockholm-based universities is now a national collaboration with operations at 11 universities. In 2022, SciLifeLab site Lund was started. SciLifeLab, Science for Life Laboratory - 2024-12-27